Pilot_______________________________________ Date_________________
Pre-Flight Planning and Documents
- List the elements of proper preflight planning.
- Who is responsible for determining aircraft airworthiness?
- How is airworthiness determined?
- What documents are required on board the aircraft for all flights?
- What documents are students required to carry while flying solo?
- Explain the three classes of medical certificates and durations.
- Explain the endorsements required for solo flight, and where they are located.
- When flying solo, are you allowed to carry passengers?
- Who is the Pilot In Command during a student solo flight and how is it logged?
- What are the required fuel reserves for VFR day and night flights?
- You may not fly as pilot of a civil aircraft within ______ hours after consumption of any alcoholic beverage, ro while you have _____ % by weight or more alcohol in your blood.
- List the minimum equipment and instruments that must be working properly in your aircraft for day VFR flight?
- If equipment not required by regulation and the aircraft certification is not working what steps must be taken prior to flight?
- What is the total usable fuel capacity?
- What is the correct fuel grade and color?
- Where are the fuel drains located? When are they drained and why?
- What is the minimum operating oil level?
- When should the pilot have the seat belt fastened? Shoulder harness?
- Why are there two magnetos?
- What is the maximum allowable RPM drop during magneto check on run-up?
- What is the first indication of carburetor ice and what is the corrective procedure?
- During engine run-up you cause rocks, debris and propeller blast to be directed toward another aircraft. Could this be considered careless and reckless operation?
- Describe the emergency procedures for a partial or complete engine failure.
- What are the zero flap and full flap approach speeds?
- What is the max allowable flap setting for takeoff?
- Explain the procedure for executing a go-around.
- Aircraft V-speeds: Definition and speed in KIAS:
Vne: - Definition and KIAS for:
Best Glide Speed:
Max Crosswind Component:
- At what time of day must the aircraft’s position lights be turned on?
- If there is no altimeter setting available, what setting should be used for a local flight?
Weather Minimums
- What are the basic VFR weather minimums, according to the FAR’s?
- Define MVFR.
- What are the student pilot limitation concerning visibility and flight above clouds?
- Except when necessary for takeoff or landing, what is considered to be minimum safe altitude for all flight situations?
- What is the minimum safe altitude over a congested areas?
- When two aircraft are approaching each other head-on, in which direction should each pilot alter course?
- Which aircraft has right-of-way when one aircraft is being overtaken by another? In what direction should the overtaking aircraft’s course be altered for safety of the flight?
- Explain traffic pattern procedures at uncontrolled airports.
- In case of getting lost, what is your plan of action?
- What is the minimum safe altitude for practicing maneuvers?
- Where are the practice areas located?
- What must you do prior to practicing maneuvers?
- What is Carbon Monoxide poisoning? What are the symptoms? Under what situations is it most prevalent and what can be done to prevent it?
- How can you determine if a runway is closed?
- In what airspace is a Mode C transponder required?
- Which aircraft has the right of way when two aircraft are on final approach at the same time?