1. What are the control instruments?
2. What are the performance instruments?
3. How will you determine the vacuum pump has failed in your aircraft?
4. What instruments are affected by vacuum failure?
5. What are the causes vertigo?
6. How can you resolve problems with vertigio?
7. What causes incorrect airspeed indications?
8. How can you resolve incorrect airspeed indications?
9. Describe the recovery from nose low and nose high attitudes.
10. What indications confirm that you have indeed recovered from an unusual attitude partial panel (no vacuum instruments)?
11. Describe the VOR accuracy requirements prescribed by 14 CFR and how they regulations may be satisfied.
12. Make a list of the additional IFR checklist items for the instrument pilot.
13. What are the fuel requirements for an instrument flight?
14. List the equipment checks required by the FARs and when they must be done.
15. What erroneous indications can the attitude indicator show and why?
16. Describe the errors of the magnetic compass and how to compensate for them.
17. Describe the errors of the VSI and how to compensate for them.
18. Describe the errors of the fuel gauges and how to compensate for them.