1.      Instrument approach procedures are based on criteria established in what publication of the U.S. government?

2.      What publication serves as the instrument pilot’s reference for transitioning from the en route phase to the landing phase in instrument conditions?

3.      Basic weather minimum are prescribed for what two broad categories of approaches?

4.      Names the factors that change the published minimums.

5.      What does the phase “vectors to the final approach course” mean?

6.      What is the lowest forecast ceiling permitted for an instrument approach at your home airport?

7.      How is the highest obstruction at an airport depicted on an approach chart?

8.      What is the determining factor in whether or not a legal approach may be attempted?

9.      Takeoff weather minimums are are found in what publications?

10.  Alternate weather minimums are found in what publications?

11.  When is an alternate airport required? When is an airport authorized as an alternate?

12.  In case of communications failure, when and where can an instrument approach be commenced?

13.  What is the maximum permissible distance from the airport during a circling approach in your aircraft?

14.  Describe the procedure for executing an early missed approach?

15.  Describe the different acceptable procedures when executing a circling approach.

16.  Position reports are not required when in radar contact, except in five specific instances. What are they?

17.  When can you descend below the glide slope on an ILS approach?

18.  When can you descend below the MDA on a non-precision approach?

19.  Can a takeoff be legally and safely executed when the weather is W0X0F?

20.  What are you giving up in a W0X0F takeoff?

21.  What are your personal weather minimums for takeoff and for landing? Why?

22.  Describe the clearance delivery procedures at RDU?


Rocky Mount?


23.  Describe at least the variations in procedures for receiving IFR clearances?

24.  When issued a cruise clearance, how do you get clearance to commence the approach?

25.  When in VFR conditions executing an approach, why would you want to cancel IFR?

26.  Describe the method of activating pilot controlled lighting?

27.  Describe the purposes of holding patterns depicted by a heavy solid line and a light dotted line.

29.  What is the recommended procedure when intercepting the ILS glide slope in a fixed hear, single-engine airplane? In a high performance retractable?

30.  When landing at an airport without a control tower, when should you attempt contact on the CTAF? Where do you get the local altimeter and what does it buy you?

31.  Where and when should you use the 5 T’s checklist? Explain it’s use and significance?

32.  Must you time and ILS approach? Why or why not?

33.  What special actins must you take when flying into a Class B or Class C airspace? Into a restricted area or MOA?

34.  Where and how can you tell quickly if your destination airport has an approved instrument approach procedure?