Pilot_____________________________________   Date_____________


1.      Name four preflight actions that 14 CFR Part 91 requires prior to IFR flight?

2.      What human factors affect your performance as an instrument pilot (list 5)?

3.      List five instruments, three types of avionics, and one piece of engines equipment that are required by 14 CFR for IFR flight in addition to the basic day/night VFR equipment?

4.      Which two aircraft equipment checks must be documented specifically for IFR flight?

5.      List the five flight instruments which should be checked during taxi and what indications are acceptable for IFR flight?

6.      A VOR accuracy check is required by 14 CFR. What three other VOR checks should be performed prior to use?

7.      What are the approved methods of conductin VOR accuracy checks and what are the error tolerances?

8.      WHan planning an off-airway flight below 14,500 feet MSL what should be the maximum distance between two H class VORs?

Two L class VORs?

Two T class VORs?

9.      When should pitot heat be used on takeoff or in flight?

10.  When is an alternate destination required for IFR flight according to the FARs?

11.  Assuming your first destination airport does not report weather, how do you determine when an alternate destination is required?

12.  What are the fuel requirements for IFR flight assuming an alternate destination is required?

13.  Plan a flight from RD to ATL under IFR. The aircraft is loaded at max. gross weight. Weather requires an alternate destination, Complete a flight log and Time/Fuel/Distance sheet.

ATC Clearances and Reports

1.      What re the items included in a standard ATC IFR clearance?

2.      In an abbreviated ATC clearance when the controller specifies “..as filed..: what additional items should the clearance include?

3.      Who is responsible for verifying a Clearance Delivery clearance is safely flyable?

A clearance issued through FSS with a void time?

A clearance received from ARTCC after an air-file?

4.      What are the ine mandatory reports pilots are require to make to ATC (radar and non-radar)?

5.      What re the three additional reports pilots are required to make to ATC when ot in radar contact (other than normal position reporting)?

6.      You have received your IFR clearance and taxi clearance from ATC to taxi to runway 36L. After taxing a short while you encounter hold short bars on your taxiway but cannot locate signs in the low visibility. Ground frequency is saturated at the moment. What is the best course of action?


1.      The AIM requires IFR flights to be flown at certain altitudes per the magnetic direction of flight when in uncontrolled airspace (Class G). In practice ATC requires these when in controlled airspace as well. What is the rule?

2.      When under IFR in VMC and you cannot raise ATC on the radio, what do you do?

3.      When under IFR in IMC and you cannot raise ATC on the radio after trying all your ideas (and all of your hand-held batteries are dead), what do you do?

4.      When flying NORDO what significance does your flght planned ETA have?

5.      When under IFR in IMC and you have a complete electrical failure and all you have is a few good ideas, what do you do?

6.      You are descending after ATC issues “descend at pilots discretion…:”. Can you level off once you start descending to your final altitude?

7.      A pilot can descend below the MEA when being radar vectored. At what other time can a pilot descend below the MEA (when navigating with VOR)?

8.      You’re flying along under IFR and approaching an intersection when the controller broadcasts “Center radar just went down, radar contact lost, y’all be careful now.”, What report do you make when passing the next reporting point (triangle on NOS Enroute Low charts)?

9.      When assigned to hold at a fix what reports should be made when entering and leaving he hold?

What is the significance of receiving an EFC clearance?

10.  When enroute you notice a USAF F-16 off your left wing in close formation. What might this mean?

What is the best course of action?


1.      What does the Visual Descent Point (VDP) symbol “V” mean on the profile view of an instrument approach chart?

2.      What does “cleared for the approach” mean when being radar vectored but not yet on a published route segment?

3.      What three conditions are required for a pilot to descend below the MDA or DH on an instrument approach?

4.      You are flying an NDB approach where the FAF is the NDB. What do you do when you pass the FAF and realize you haven’t started the clock?

5.      What weather minimums must exist for a controller to assign a visual approach, and what cloud clearances must the pilot observe?

When is radar service terminated?

6.      You are flying a standard ILS and started the clock at the FAF. What do you do when the glide slope INOP flag pops out and you’re descending through 1,200 feet AGL?

Descending through 400 feet AGL?

7.      When expecting an ILS approach and the outher marker at the LOM is inoperative, how is the approach affected?

8.      When expecting an ILS approach and the middle marker is OTS, how is the approach affected?

9.      When flying an ILS and localizer INOP flag appears, how is the approach affected?

10.  What are the two main differences between a Localizer-Type Directional Aid (LDA) and a Simplified Directional Facility (SDF) approach?