This quiz is based on the FAA Industry Training Standards (FITS) document produced for Garmin GNS530/430 training. This quiz is not intended to be biased towards any specific unit, although the answer should be specific to the unit you are using in training.

1.      What do the following abbreviations stand for?











2.      What are the 3 modes of operation for an IFR GPS?

3.      In normal en-route operations how far from the desired course are you when the course deviation indicator has just reached full deflection?

4.      In terminal operation how far from the desired course are you when the course deviation indicator has just reached full deflection?

5.      You are within 2 miles of crossing the FAF on an approach, what indications should see?

6.      You have crossed the FAF, how far from the desired course are you when the course deviation indicator has just reached full deflection?

7.      What is the difference between Heading and Track?

8.      If your aircraft does not have a DME can you use your GPS to replace it?

9.      What about an ADF?

10.  An approach is labeled “NDB 3” – can you use your IFR approach certified GPS to shoot this approach?

11.  What conditions must your GPS comply with if it can be used in lieu of DME or ADF?

12.  Describe how you would use your GPS to determine your GPS position from a VOR?

13.  To fly approaches with your GPS does the database need to be up to date?

14.  How do you determine if the database is up to date?

15.  How do you obtain RAIM information during your preflight?

16.  Before you arrive at the FAF you receive a RAIM warning, what should you do?

17.  You are approaching the IAF for an NDB overlay approach – what mode of operation should your GPS be in?