1.      What are four sources of information for determining the IFR route for your flight plan?

2.      You have just picked up your clearance and you find that your routing for a segment of the flight plan has been substantially changed. What can you do?

3.      Explain the “preferred route” system and how it operates.

4.      Give the 2 main reasons to note the timr when you start a takeoff roll on an IFR flight.

5.      Give at least two methods for maintaining a record of changes in assigned altitude. Why is this necessary?

6.      How are you guaranteed terrain clearance when flying direct (VOR to VOR or off airways)? Who is ultimately responsible?

7.      Define and describe the following acronyms:







8.   What is the advantage in recording the time when you reach each fix during an IFR cross-country?

9.  What is situational awareness and why is it important?

10.  What is the purpose in writing down your clearance limit?

11.  Explain when, how and why you might use the frequency 122.0 MHz.

12.  How might you use the frequency 121.5 MHZ? Why? When?

13. If given a holding clearance what crucial piece of information must you receive?